US-62/SH-82 Intersection


Environmental Studies

Environmental Studies

ODOT has performed environmental studies to identify any impacts of the proposed project. Results of the studies are described below.

Waters & Wetlands:The project may have impacts to waters and/or wetlands regulated by the US Army Corps of Engineers. If required, ODOT will obtain the appropriate Clean Water Act permit prior to construction. The contractor will employ best management practices to prevent erosion and keep sediment and other hazardous materials out of streams.

Threatened and Endangered Species:The project area includes habitat for several protected species, including several bat and mussel species as well as the American Burying Beetle. Measures to minimize or avoid impacts to these species will be added to the project plans. These measures may include performing additional surveys, seasonal restrictions on tree clearing, and requirements for project lighting.

Cultural Resources: The project will not have impacts to any significant historic or archeological site.  The pavement overlay will not affect the historic markers on US-62. No additional investigations of cultural resources are required. 

Hazardous Materials: A review of known contaminated sites in the project area revealed seven (7) current or former petroleum storage tank locations along the project corridor. All of these facilities have either had their tanks removed or have operated in compliance with the Oklahoma Corporation Commission and are not expected to pose a risk to the project.

Socioeconomic Impacts: Investigation of the demographics of the project area revealed the presence of low-income and minority populations.  Executive Order 12898 on Environmental Justice requires that ODOT identify any disproportionate adverse impacts of their federally-funded projects on these populations.  Given that the project will remain within existing right-of-way and will ultimately improve safety and traffic flow at the US-62/SH-82 intersection, no adverse impacts to low-income or minority populations are anticipated.  Access to homes and businesses will remain unchanged.  There will be temporary closures during construction; however, access will be provided to all properties at all times.